Pilot Profile: Doyle Raymond Addington Jr – Personal and License Information

Personal Information

First Name: Doyle Raymond

Last Name: Addington Jr

Street 1: 800 S State Highway 8

Street 2:

City: New Boston

State: TX

Zip Code: 75570-4112

Country: USA

Region: SW

License Information

Type: F


Expire Date: 02/5/5312

Type Ratings

No type ratings available

Medical License Information

Medical Class: 1.0

Medical Date: 3//2202

Medical Exp Date: 3//8202

Basic Med Course Date:

Basic Med CMEC Date:

The above information is about a pilot with the unique ID A0009904. The pilot’s name is Doyle Raymond Addington Jr. They reside at 800 S State Highway 8 in New Boston, TX, with a zip code of 75570-4112. The pilot’s country is USA and they belong to the SW region.

The pilot’s license type is F and it is set to expire on 02/5/5312. There are no type ratings associated with this pilot.

In terms of medical license information, the pilot has a medical class of 1.0. The medical date is 3//2202 and the medical exp date is 3//8202. There is no information available about the basic med course date or basic med CMEC date.

This information is sourced from the Airmen Certification Branch, AFS-760 Airman Directory Releasable File. It is important to note that this information is subject to change and should be verified with the relevant authorities.