Personal Information and License Details of Pilot A0009885

Personal Information

First Name: Steven David

Last Name: Addi

Street 1: 3554 Thompson Creek Rd

Street 2:

City: Jacksonville

State: OR

Zip Code: 97530-9634

Country: USA

Region: NM

License Information

Type: P

Level: P

Expire Date:

Type Ratings

No type ratings listed.

Medical License Information

Medical Class: 3.0

Medical Date: 2/5/2020

Medical Exp Date: 4/5/2020

Basic Med Course Date:

Basic Med CMEC Date:

This blog article provides information about the pilot with the unique ID A0009885. The pilot’s name is Steven David Addi. The pilot’s address is 3554 Thompson Creek Rd, Jacksonville, OR, 97530-9634, USA. The pilot’s license type is P and the level is also P. The license does not have an expiration date listed.

The pilot does not have any type ratings listed. Type ratings are additional qualifications that pilots can obtain for specific aircraft types.

The pilot has a medical license with a class of 3.0. The medical date is listed as 2/5/2020 and the medical expiration date is 4/5/2020. There is no information provided about the pilot’s basic med course date or basic med CMEC date.

It is important to note that this information is sourced from the Airmen Certification Branch and is accurate as of the date of publication. Pilots are required to maintain valid licenses and medical certifications in order to legally operate aircraft.

For more information about pilot certifications and requirements, you can visit the Federal Aviation Administration’s website at