Personal and License Information for Pilot A0009603: Stephen Adamson

Personal Information

First Name: Stephen

Last Name: Adamson

Street 1: 4825 W Colton Mill Ct

Street 2:

City: West Valley City

State: UT

Zip Code: 84120-6772

Country: USA

Region: NM

License Information

Type: F


Expire Date: 02/4/2292

Type Ratings

No type ratings listed

Medical License Information

Medical Class: 1.0

Medical Date: 22/11/20

Medical Expire Date: 3/5/202

Basic Med Course Date:

Basic Med CMEC Date:

Unique ID: A0009603

This blog article provides information about a pilot with the unique ID A0009603. The pilot’s name is Stephen Bywater Adamson. He is a type F pilot with an expiration date of 02/4/2292. However, no type ratings are listed for him. In terms of medical license information, Stephen has a medical class of 1.0 and his medical date is 22/11/20. His medical license will expire on 3/5/202. There is no information available about his basic med course date or basic med CMEC date.

Stephen’s personal information includes his address, which is 4825 W Colton Mill Ct, West Valley City, UT, 84120-6772, USA. His region is listed as NM.

It is important to note that this information is sourced from the Airmen Certification Branch and is part of the Airmen Directory Releasable File. The file contains names, addresses, and certificate information of active airmen who did not request to withhold their address information. This file is updated monthly and can be downloaded from the Civil Aviation Registry website.

For any further inquiries or technical support, it is recommended to contact the software manufacturer or visit the FAA’s website for more information.