Spotlight on Martin Andrew Acquadro: A Skilled and Certified Pilot

Meet Martin Andrew Acquadro: A Certified Pilot

In the world of aviation, it’s the people behind the controls who make all the difference. Today, we’re shining a spotlight on one such individual, Martin Andrew Acquadro. With a unique ID of A0005080, Martin is a certified pilot who has earned his stripes in the skies.

Personal Information

Martin Andrew Acquadro resides at 93 Emerson Rd, Wellesley, MA, USA. He is part of the Eastern Aviation Region (EA), contributing to the vibrant and diverse community of pilots in this area.

License Information

Martin holds a ‘P’ type license, which signifies that he is a certified pilot. The ‘P’ level of his license further confirms his status as a professional pilot. His ratings include P/ASEL (Airplane Single Engine Land), P/AMEL (Airplane Multi-Engine Land), and P/INSTA (Instrument Airplane). These ratings indicate that Martin is qualified to fly single and multi-engine airplanes and is also proficient in flying under instrument flight rules.

Medical License Information

In addition to his pilot’s license, Martin also holds a Class 2 medical certificate. The medical class of a pilot is crucial as it determines the type of operations they can perform. A Class 2 medical certificate allows Martin to fly commercially. His medical certificate was issued in October 2020 and is set to expire in October 2024.

Understanding the Codes

The codes used in this article are derived from the Airmen Certification Branch, AFS-760 Airman Directory Releasable File. This file contains the names, addresses, and certificate information of all airmen who did not elect to withhold their address information. The file is produced on a monthly basis and can be downloaded from the Civil Aviation Registry website.

The certificate types in this file include P (Pilot), F (Flight Instructor), A (Authorized Aircraft Instructor), U (Remote Pilot), E (Flight Engineer), H (Mechanic), and X (Repairman). The certificate levels include A (Airline Transport Pilot), C (Commercial Pilot), P (Private Pilot), V (Recreational Pilot), and T (Student Pilot).


Martin Andrew Acquadro is a shining example of the skilled and dedicated pilots who make up the aviation industry. His qualifications and certifications speak volumes about his expertise and commitment to his profession. We hope this profile provides a glimpse into the life of a professional pilot and serves as an inspiration for aspiring aviators.